Last Sunday 10 December 2017, drawing from John 4, Steve Gibb brought us some insights on missions, aptly titled, ‘Jesus and Missions’.
Can you remember his three main points? He suggested these points needed to be addressed in our spiritual approach before we consider traversing the world to be a ‘super-missionary’ (my words), or even ways we would support others.
Firstly, we need to ‘Surrender to the Will of God.’ He reminded us that it is not necessarily “discovering God’s Will” or being in the “centre of God’s Will” – as if this implies we have reached new levels of achievement when we do ‘find’ God’s Will. Put simply, we need to submit to God’s desires and intentions for us, which are clearly articulated in His Word. In Matthew 26, Jesus says, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” He didn’t say, “I feel so invigorated right now, I’m in the CENTRE of God’s will, I’ve made it!!” Our desire should be the focus and exaltation of Jesus Christ – both here and overseas.
Secondly, we were reminded that if we have any desires to directly or indirectly support God’s work in missions, we need to be ‘Involved in God’s Work’ where we are right now. This could include leading Bible study groups, serving in Youth Group, building maintenance, soup kitchens, meeting the elderly in the nursing homes, singing at church etc etc. There’s a thousand things, right here, right now, in our local ‘fields.’ In essence, this is living God’s will.
Thirdly, Steve shared that ‘We Receive Wages from God’. We have the privilege and blessing of knowing that as we surrender to God’s will, and are actively involved in His work, that the wages or blessings will become very apparent to us. Jesus stated in John 4:36, “And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.” As was stated in the sermon, we should NOT be looking to get more from Jesus, but be looking to get more FOR Jesus.
Think about these three points. How much will God bless and equip those who surrender to His will, and are actively involved in His work? He will open our eyes to the harvest. Jesus said in John 4:35 “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”
Translate that to our church family. We are looking to build our local presence, and capabilities, and part of that with a physical building. Our intentions are that God will use that to reach people locally – and NOT just the building, but more importantly, the REAL church – the people.
At the same time, I have an earnest desire to see us continue to support God’s people as they serve and reach others with the amazing message of God’s grace – in places outside of our local region. Why can’t we do both? That is, to be witnesses of Christ “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). What’s stopping us? The field is full and ready to be harvested – and for me, I think that relates for us here in Sydney – and wherever else the Lord avails us.
Let’s be open to the Lord’s will. In the meantime, take time to think about, and pray about, the opportunities we have locally and globally to exalt Christ Jesus.
Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!
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