Well, here we go!! Let me introduce you to our new website.
This will provide a necessary online presence for information and updates for our church family.
It will also provide a presence for new enquiries – and hopefully people will get a sense of who we are, our values and our focus as a local group of God’s people.
For Version 1, we have the basic building blocks:
Home, About, Sermons (in audio), Projects, Pastor’s Blog and a Contact Us page.
This website is organic and will change as content and needs change. For instance, you will see the example Vision and Mission statements. Please think about these and consider if they reflect who we are as a church.
Thanks to many of you who have contributed to the style and content – and of course some lovely pics! We need more!!!
We would also like to thank web designer Chris Buckland who patiently and patiently and patiently put this together for us. As we move forward, Noel will affectionately be called – “The Webmaster” – and will be looking after the website and online activity.
Whilst I am personally excited about the website, we know that the real church is made up of real people – and the real work is growing to be Christlike – and to reach out to others. The website will simply be a tool to help us do that.
Lastly, we must thank our good Lord for his blessing and grace to get this up and running.
Please send any specific feedback to myself, or Noel.
God bless,
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